...In the meantime
It does look like the shop has been taking over this blog lately. Not sure all of you approve of that (my comments seem to have been silent lately too - what happend? Don't you like me anymore?), not sure how that even happend. Anyway, I'm considering opening (yet) another blog for store updates only. We shall see. In the meantime... a KNITTING update!
...Wow, this photo is old... I'll take new photos of it as soon as I can stop posing stuffies in appealing positions in a natural scenery. Oy...
Anywho - this is Orangina of Glampyre fame. She's a way cool knit. I said before I think this sassy top knits itself. Even a senile, scatter minded raccoon like me can memorize the four row repeat and make it look nice. Even when I'm sleepy. I finished knitting it while watching Dexter's season finale (AHHHHH!!! And many "I knew it!"s), but it's yet to be blocked and seamed. I can't wait to try it on... If you came across this page while googling "Orangina" to find out people's opinion of this pattern - my advise to you is: BUY IT! You won't regret it.
On other knitting news, I have a strange craving for Endpaper Mits this week (you know, kind of like the craving of chocolate you-know-when). It gets really cold in our apartment. My hairdresser said it's the wooden floors. I even had what looked like a cute color combo of sock yarn all ready for them, Only to realize it ain't that cute. Well, no knitting time wasted here, but I will find a good color combo and knit them. I'm in the mood for fairisle.
I also knit this for Ant for Christmas. It's Swell du Knitty, with a stripe instead of the "surfy" wave pattern (Ant's a skater, totally different worlds). It's knit with Knit Picks Telemark - Bayberry and Chestnut. I had to use whatever math I remember from high school to figure this out, as Telemark and Brown Sheep that the pattern calls for are of very different gauges (it went pretty much like this: knitting girlfriend finally manages to sit boyfriend in front of the computer to pick a pattern he likes for his new hat. She then gos to a website to have him pick the yarn. He points to the first yarn he sees and says "that one, in this and this color", and flees to the living room to hide. Note to all boyfriends of knitting girls - making a hell lot of noise while palying Gears of War will get you found very very quickly). I think it came out good, though. And Suki thinks so too.
Speaking of which - how can I write an update post and not post a photo (or two) of your favorite feline?
Have a grand weekend!
Hi Michal! I hope you got my email! Don't worry, I am still here and loving your stuffed kitties SO much (real live kitties too of course). I've been a little under the weather lately and so - gasp - away from the computer. I'm happy to hear the shop is going well (I'm waiting for a fellowship check over here, you know :) ) and I like the updates!
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