Sunday, December 21, 2008

A slight delay

Dear readers,
So sorry, but the drawing for the ornament sets will have to wait a couple of days. Some dentist chased me around with some surgical tools, and all I can do right now is lie down and drool into the couch. Even the cats don't want anything to do with me (I growl occasionally too). Stupid Motrin doesn't work fast enough...
I shall return shortly, equipped with a better mood, a couple of winners and hopefully some Vicodin. Amen.

Happy Hanukkah, y'all!



At 10:06 PM, December 25, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my! And at this time of year!? I'd say Vicodin is certainly in order to get you better quick!! (House might help too, though - and you could get the Vicodin from him too ::gg::)

Hope you're feeling better by now - sorry I didn't see this sooner!



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