Hi kids, I have some cute for you
Man, has it really been almost a month since my last post? Is it really almost December? Sheesh, time flies when you're having fun (and we are. Fun and way too much work, as usual...). I owe you many a story, but for now, I'd like to interrupt this blog slumber with an announcement - you ready?
I have plush to sell!
If you ever wanted to buy any of my plush creations, check out what's available below. To avoid confusion, mishaps and disappointment, please read all the details below first:
This is how I'm going to do this:
1. You look at the plushies available below, fall in love with one and want to buy it.
2. You email me at michal AT michalwright DOT com and tell me you're interested. If said plushie has not yet been sold, I'll give you my paypal address so you can make a payment. Please note that this is done on a first come, first serve basis.
3. We'll determine shipping costs before any money changes hands, based on your shipping address (yep, I'll ship internationally. Why not?)
4. Until payment is made, I will not consider the plush sold nor ship it to you. I will hold a plushie for you for 48 hours, unless we agree otherwise in advance.
5. If no payment is made in 48 hours, the plushie will be taken off hold, and if another person (the "next person in line", sort of) is interested in it - it will be sold to said person.
6. I'll get back to you either way within 12 hours. Yeah, I'll check my email more often. Promise. : )
7. If you're interested in gift wrapping, Christmas delivery or any some such, please let me know.
Please email me with any questions.
Happy shopping!

Original design, synthetic fur and wool felt, cotton, polyfill, Hand Sewn.
Remember when your mom told you not to take candy from strangers? I hope you listened well. Because if you don't watch out for Yorick kids, you might end up in a Kid Stew. Yummm...

Original design, synthetic fur and wool felt, cotton, polyfill, Hand Sewn.
Igor has a present for you, and it's exactly what you want. You'd better wait for Christmas though, because what Igor wants, is to make you into meatloaf. Yup

Original design, synthetic fur and wool felt, cotton, polyfill, Hand Sewn.
Stella loves to bake. She makes the best cupcakes you've ever eaten. But watch out, or you might end up in one of them. With cream frosting and a cherry on top.
Available from Wizard Sleeve Toyz here.

Original design, synthetic fur and wool felt, cotton, polyfill, Hand Sewn.
Olaf knows kids like bunnies. They're so cute and soft and cuddly. And so are kids, as it turns out. Especially ones that have been made into stuffed toys. Monster children need toys too, you know.
Price: $50
Labels: Artsy fartsy, Making Art, Sewing