So MUCH catching up to do
So I was really busy this week. I'll try and catch up in chronological order:

I got my SP7 first package on Tuesday! After a wee postal service scare (hey just don't like me lately, grrr!), it finally arrived in my very hands. Inside were a pretty card, some very colorful and super soft yarn, Godiva hot cocoa mix (since sampled and lips licked with joy) and cute sweater-shaped needle holders. Yey! Thank you SPKP!
My dear boss and friend J underwent knee surgery thursday, so I spend much of wednsday making her a hand drawn card. I was told that it went very well, and she's now back home, hopefully not in too much pain. It's always hard to see nice people you care about in pain. It's only temporary, though. She'll be better in a jiffy. Yes.

I also started my very first Jaywalker socks. The famous Grumperina pattern made famous by Cara's many knitalongs. It's surprisingly easy, I'm very glad. Perfect for the in classroom zoning out. I'm making the picot-edge version because I love what it does to the cuff, and because a regular ribbed cuff has the tendency to squeeze a bit too much on my shapely calves. And with my achey shins all week, I couldn't really think about adding any more under the knee pain. It's pooling a bit, so I have to manipulate the yarn quite a bit. But I still love the colors. Kool aid. Who'd have though?
The news have been crazy all week, so I won't get into that.

Thursday I also got these beauties. I got one pair to make Sandra's Jaywalkers (no, I'm not getting carried away, this will take a while to get to) and the other for some other unknown pattern. I also found so Opal Unicolor for dirt cheap... from England. I kid you not, that was some hell of a deal. Any pattern suggestions? (I don't think I mentioned it, but the taxman made me very happy by informing me I deserve all my 2005 taxes paid back. I decided to pamper myself with some fun cheap yarn. I also sent most of my acrylic yarn off to charity, hence busting my tiny stash. More yarn needed, the box I got for my stash is very hungry, muppets style...). Hapy feet for me. I had a classmate ask me In class if I was knitting all my socks now. Oh, the smile I smiled...
And on friday Ant found the elusive Indian restaurant we were always told resided in our little suburb. It was, according to him, a very authentic Engllish curry joint, Englishmen included(! One of them carried out a huge stack of take away boxes 'for the Missus'). They also specialize in vegeterian food, and it was indeed delicious. Dad, interested?
Animation also started full speed this week, hence lack of energy and no extra time. And by the way, if you were wondering why I never put my artwork here... well... I did a lot of things in life that are anything but shy, but when it comes to my drawings - I am. When I finish this lovely project in May I might be brave enought to show y'all what's been taking over my life. ...And maybe not. Nothing personal.
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