Updates part deux
And now to the second installment of our show "Updates on what happened in Michal's life in the past two weeks", and boy - do we have a show for you! So little time and so much has happened. Let us not spend another moment and get to the business:

And speaking of joy, let me rejoice in the joys of others:
N my dear friend from Israel is getting married to the man she spent the last 8 (9?) years with. They're SO cute and deserve the best of wishes. My Holy Land gang - beware. I may be able to show up and celebrate with her. Also on the engaged front - my Secret Pal 7 palee Gwen. Congrads!
And on a similar front, S and S are expecting a second child! Seems like that happend a lot faster this time. Good! See how cute she turned out, though? And see who she's playing with?
That's all for today, until next time - be good and make pretty things!