Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Your opinion, please!
So Ant went and bought the camera I was going to get myself for my birthday FOR HIMSELF (for a good reason, but still!...). And so I'm now facing the question again. Anyone who knows me long enough knows I'm a pain to get a b-day present for. Even when I'm doing the buying. So, if I ask you what should I get - will you help? Please?!

Here are the options:
A. A beginner sawing machine. No, it's not because of "Project Runway", inspiring as it was. I'm more interested in making stuff like these talented people. If I buy a machine, I'll definitely buy some cool fabric (Kitty-Craft anyone?), some needed supplies and a good instruction book.
B. A button maker + supplies. There's the type that has attachments that let you make different size buttons on the same machine, so i can make pocket mirrors and magnets too. No, don't worry. The 80's aren't back.
C. Pamper myself with a bunch of cute stuff I usually don't get for the lack of funds.
D. Put some money aside to buy something special or particularly fancy for my upcoming studio-room.

All options will end up roughly at the same price range. Yeah, the sewing machine is more at the higher side of the scale, but I'm really developing a craving for one. On the other hand, I'm such a rookie...
So what do you think? What should I get myself?


At 10:04 AM, March 18, 2006, Blogger Michal Wright-Ward said...

i think i agree. i'm itching to get one for a while. hooray to the seamstresses! (my grandma was one too)
and may i mention i hate that blogger doesn't give me the email address of people that comment so i can talk to them directly? oof...


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